find your light
Some shop talk. The first rule of being on stage is to find your light. Why? Well, for obvious reasons. The audience won’t be able to see you otherwise & you will be moving & performing in darkness. This is no different in life. Our personal, “light” translates to our calling, our purpose, our passion, our dreams, what speaks to us & what inspires us to do anything, but move in darkness.
So many times we fall into the droned routines of life that our light feels dim. We prioritize. We have responsibilities, jobs, people depending on us & obligations to fulfill that come first, so…our own personal “wants” take a back seat. Now, it would be very easy to sit here & say, throw caution to the wind & all that to one side, go out & feed your soul, find what lights you up from the inside out & screw the rest. That would be lovely, wouldn’t it? But, for most people, that is not a realistic reality. It’s reckless. It’s not a healthy long-term option (though once in a while, I’m a firm believer that spontaneity is essential) & I’d be blowing smoke up your ass if I said this was the ultimate solution to living in your light.
What it does bring us back to though, is the idea of balance. Carving out time for you, to either find what your light is or rediscover it. It may come in the form of a calling for this next chapter of life. It may be a career change. An adventure. A hobby. A dream you’re ready to fulfill. Something you’ve just always wanted to try. A renewed purpose to help others. Giving back. Paying it forward. It may take shape in terms of a lifestyle change or devoted self-care practice.
Whatever ‘it’ is, it deserves as much space & attention as the laundry list of “have to’s” & “must do’s” in your life. Even if in small, realistically time-managed doses. Finding your light nurtures joy & fulfillment. It makes you take center stage of your own life & bask in it. It fills your cup & lets it runneth over a million times. It will feed your soul so that you feel whole & can honor yourself & others. It’s an internal applause to own your life’s narrative. It will also help you understand what the universe has in store for you & guide you as you move through that light. Oh, & it will change too. It will get brighter, soften, blind you, come at you from all angles & sometimes feel darker than other times. But, it’s always there. You just have to be mindful to make it rule #1 & find it.
much love + light.