holiday reminder…..
For every person celebrating this year, there’s someone who isn’t…or just…can’t. Life is a series of seasons. It’s cyclical. All are temporary - though, some seasons can feel longer than others. Some are beautiful. Some, excruciating painful. While one year, we may be surrounded by love, feel absolute joy, happiness and gratitude, it may be another’s season to be grieving, struggling or barely hanging on. Experiencing the happy moments and making memories doesn’t mean we should feel guilty or bad about it, for one day, it will be our turn to experience the latter. What it does mean is, remember. Embody a practice of mindfulness, compassion & empathy for those experiencing their, “other side.” What we can do to honor them, is be present with our own families, embrace our happy moments & not take one single second of life for granted. Whatever season you are experiencing this holiday, you are being thought of, loved and held deeply close in my heart.
much love + light,