the eve of a new year
As we emerge into 2024, allow yourself breath and pause. Most importantly, show yourself grace. If you made it here to the eve of a New Year, even by the skin of your teeth- be grateful. Celebrate, ‘that.’ It’s so much more than you may feel it is. Others are not as fortunate. All else is secondary. Fixable. Achievable. Figure-out-able. You’ve been granted time and space and opportunity. It’s OK if you didn’t accomplish everything on your list. See everything you wanted to see. Meet everyone you hoped to meet. Found the solutions to every problem. It’s OK, if you’re not where you’d thought you’d be. It’s funny how we often think we know better than the universe and her plans. All in good time, my friends. All in good time.
The feeling of urgency and drive and fire is a wonderful motivator to start a new year, but…so can stillness, intention setting and manifesting. So, while it’s invigorating and enlivening to passionately jump, backflip and bust a move into the new year with a robust, confident sense of, “LET’S DO THIS!,” it’s equally OK if you’re in a different place. It’s just as wonderful to quietly tip toe into the New Year, floating passed midnight and whispering into new beginnings.
The best and only load we should be carrying with us into 2024, regardless of one’s passage into it is, the trust of our truest intuition, intention, excitement for life, gratitude and our sense of wonder as to what will unfold.
Continue to carry with you the belief of miracles and magic, even when it’s infuriating that you continue to feel you’re taking one step forward and two steps back. Let your sailor mouth loose, stomp your feet, have a good cry, dust yourself off, take a breath, straighten your spine, internally hear your personal anthem playing, refocus….and keep…moving…ahead. Nothing in life, nothing, is a solid, upward climb. Allow the New Year to teach you about yourself. There are so many things to discover, if you’re willing to learn.
I wish you all a Healthy and Happy 2024. Tonight, celebrate life and love. Tomorrow, celebrate life and love. The rest, well, it will reveal itself in good time.
much love + light